Get started

Let's see how it works

Upon receipt of your information, our team will proceed to create your profile and deliver it to you within a maximum of two business days. Once the profile is ready, you will be granted access to the test and the system.

Step 1

Pay the €200 fee and make sure you provide your name, phone number and email address correctly.

Step 2

Once you receive the link, click on it and fill out the assessment. This usually takes between 20-30 minutes! Make sure you answer the questions honestly and intuitively.

Step 3

Once you have completed the assessment, we will be notified and send you back an access link to the portal;

1. Your report on your greatest strengths.
2. Your career development report.
3. Your list of careers from which you select your top 10.

You then create a report for each career!

That's it... Your career path is now set.
**If you require any further assistance with a CAO form please contact us.

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What our customers say

I did this test in my first year of college when I realised that I was in the wrong course. I was completely clueless about what to do and the second instalment of fees was due shortly so time was against me. In the end the test made me realise that there was another course that suited me a hell of a lot more. I have decided to take the rest of the year out and start again next year. I’m grateful I have finally worked out what I want to do and so wish that I had had the opportunity to do it when I was at school. It would have saved me a lot of time and money!


I can't thank Optimal Careers enough for the guidance their psychometric assessment gave me whilst in my second year of college. At the time I couldn't see a way forward with the course I had chosen and wanted to drop out. However, getting my career development report and top 10 career profiles made me realise that there were lots of post-graduate opportunities out there for me after my course if I just stuck it out. I’m now doing a Masters programme that complements my skillset a lot better and hope I can go on from here into a career that I will thrive in.

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CAO Assessment Includes

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