Why us

Our service versus
the rest

This report identifies your strong interests, task preferences and work environment preferences

The rest

Our Service

Generic tests with generic results.
Results truly unique to you.
In over 20 years of using this tool we have never had two clients with exactly the same results.
In many cases our clients have already completed sub-standard tests and are coming to us for help. 
Results that impose views upon you regarding what career you ‘should’ pursue. 
You have autonomy in deciding upon your final top 10 careers. “Add a teaspoon of common sense and you have the perfect cup of tea”.
For example you may not wish to embark on a career in professional tiddlywinks (no disrespect) as it may not be well paid.
At a glance you will see your unique list of occupations, ranked from those you enjoy the most to the least and quickly see the patterns emerging in order to make an informed decision about your top 10 careers.
You’re in control of making the final decision. 
Not comprehensive in taking all the necessary work factors into consideration. 
Our test measures 175 workplace factors, effectively measuring leadership paradoxes, emotional intelligence, personality, motivation, attitudes, passion for specific tasks, commitment and retention. 
Most tests do not include the educational pathways you need to take to reach your career goal.
Our test contains four different educational levels: Undergraduate, Graduate, Masters and PhD.
The system determines the level of aptitude and likely success based on extensive research on career performance.
You can easily change the education level to tailor to your expectations. 
Time taken to complete assessments can be hours and you need to be tech savvy. 
Our test is a simple process with a complex, sophisticated technology behind it.
It takes less than half-an-hour to complete which means less work for you. 
A lot of the tests are purely or mainly aptitude based. 
We are enjoyment based. Whilst we take into account aptitudes and a wide range of factors our results are based on the premise that people who enjoy at least 75% of their job are 3 times more likely to succeed.
You are encouraged to look for careers where the score is 75% or above. The logic is that we can do many different careers in life but it’s better for us to choose those we will enjoy, grow and thrive in.  
Many tests have not psychometrically evaluated the careers they are matching their clients to. 
With 6500 pre-configured career success formulas we ensure to match your profile with the psychometrically evaluated job profile i.e. like with like. 
On completion of the majority of tests you are still no closer to knowing what career you want to do. 
We guarantee an effective tool that provides you with accurate advice on your future career trajectory and helps to advise you with expert, scientifically backed knowledge at your fingertips.

What our customers say

I did this test in my first year of college when I realised that I was in the wrong course. I was completely clueless about what to do and the second instalment of fees was due shortly so time was against me. In the end the test made me realise that there was another course that suited me a hell of a lot more. I have decided to take the rest of the year out and start again next year. I’m grateful I have finally worked out what I want to do and so wish that I had had the opportunity to do it when I was at school. It would have saved me a lot of time and money!


I can't thank Optimal Careers enough for the guidance their psychometric assessment gave me whilst in my second year of college. At the time I couldn't see a way forward with the course I had chosen and wanted to drop out. However, getting my career development report and top 10 career profiles made me realise that there were lots of post-graduate opportunities out there for me after my course if I just stuck it out. I’m now doing a Masters programme that complements my skillset a lot better and hope I can go on from here into a career that I will thrive in.

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