The Future is changing rapidly. Let us guide your path.

This report contains a wealth of information and a unique professional development plan tailored to you to help you make solid, well-informed decisions as you embark on your future you embark on your future career.

Why Optimal Careers?

Fast and effective career navigation service tailored and optimised to you

What describes you best?

What makes us different?

Our assessment is the key to unlocking your potential, providing you and every graduate across Ireland with the exact, precise answers you need to make your career choice before you complete the CAO application. Help uncover deeply rooted insights that determine essential high-performance traits and those that accelerate or hinder performance in relation to specific positions. This assessment reveals an individual's work preferences and behavioral competencies that reveal developmental opportunities and career planning to achieve personal satisfaction and measurable job performance.

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Our assessment allows you to find out your motivations and preferences and helps you choose a job you love to do. With over 6500 pre-configured career success formulas, we are here to help you every step of the way.

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Undergraduate Students

By providing more than 6500 preconfigured Job Success formulas, you can help your son or daughter easily and accurately assess the aptitude and empowerment factors that lead to career success.

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Career Changers

Our assessment evaluates how each student compares to a full set of demonstrated aptitude or behavioural characteristics specific to the position. These factors include attitudes, motivations, interpersonal skills, interests, work values, and work preferences.

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Fast and effective career navigation service tailored and optimised to you

Crystallise your self-knowledge and open the door to your success

You receive a set of 12 thorough, individualised reports

  • Greatest strengths report 

    Behavioural competencies such as emotional intelligence, personality and work preferences are measured to a high degree of accuracy in predicting individual performance in specific jobs.

  • Professional development report 

    This report provides deep insight into your decision-making tendencies and guidance on how to strive to have better judgment and play to your strengths within the workplace.

  • 10 indepth reports which match your psychological profile with your top 10 careers

    Gain access to a system which outlines your top 100 careers ranked at undergraduate, graduate, masters and PHD level from which you choose your top 10 careers. 

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HR Savings Alert

Please be aware if you work in the HR in your company and wish to avail of a special discount. If between 50-100 employees complete this test the price is a mere 50 euro per person.
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What our customers say

I did this test in my first year of college when I realised that I was in the wrong course. I was completely clueless about what to do and the second instalment of fees was due shortly so time was against me. In the end the test made me realise that there was another course that suited me a hell of a lot more. I have decided to take the rest of the year out and start again next year. I’m grateful I have finally worked out what I want to do and so wish that I had had the opportunity to do it when I was at school. It would have saved me a lot of time and money!


I can't thank Optimal Careers enough for the guidance their psychometric assessment gave me whilst in my second year of college. At the time I couldn't see a way forward with the course I had chosen and wanted to drop out. However, getting my career development report and top 10 career profiles made me realise that there were lots of post-graduate opportunities out there for me after my course if I just stuck it out. I’m now doing a Masters programme that complements my skillset a lot better and hope I can go on from here into a career that I will thrive in.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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